Call for Papers: Papers due January 15, 2016
Native Feminist Texts
Guest Editors: Eve Tuck and Karyn Recollet
Submission Deadline: January 15, 2016
Publication Date: September 2016
Native feminist theories engage Indigenous social thought and diverse perspectives on gender and sexuality to analyze intersections between coloniality and heteropatriarchy. Over the past five decades, Native feminist theories have demonstrated how whitestream and other feminist movements often ignore and even perpetuate Indigenous erasure, settler ascendancy, and antiblackness.
Native feminist texts yield opportunities for secondary teachers and students to consider Indigenous theorizations of gender and sexuality alongside Indigenous ontologies of land and sovereignty. Native feminist texts often describe and perform critiques of settler colonialism, heteropatriarchy, and antiblackness.
This special issue employs “texts” as an open term, referring to many kinds of communication. Along with written and digital forms, texts may include filmography, digital storytelling, gaming, gestures, movements and forms of dance, poetry, spoken word forms, and performance(s).
We invite manuscripts of 2,500-3,750 words, written to an audience of educators in grades 7-12 English classrooms. Scholars, activists, and public intellectuals--especially Native feminist theorists--are invited to write about working with Native feminist texts in formal and informal educational settings and home/community spaces. Authors are encouraged to link issues of land and sovereignty to Native feminist texts from specified tribal communities and First Nations--that is, attend to issues connected to particular places rather than attempting to establish generalities and universalities.
Please direct questions about this issue to