Portrait by Red Works
Selected Publications (by topic)
A Glossary of Haunting (2013) by Eve Tuck and C. Ree
Before Dispossession, or Surviving It (2016) by Angie Morrill, Eve Tuck and the Super Futures Haunt Collective
Visitations (You are not alone) (2017) by Eve Tuck & Karyn Recollet
Settler colonialism in Alaska and Alaska Native Theories of Change
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act as X-Mark (2013) by Eve Tuck
Inner Angles: A range of responses to/with Indigenous and Decolonizing Theories (2007) by Eve Tuck with Michelle Fine
Re-visioning Action: Participatory Action Research and Indigenous Theories of Change (2009) by Eve Tuck
Ethics of research
R-Words: Refusing Research (2014) by Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang
Suspending Damage: A Letter to Communities (2009) by Eve Tuck
Do You Believe in Geneva? Methods and Ethics and Global Local Nexus (2008) by Michelle Fine, Eve Tuck and Sarah Zeller Berkman
PAR Praxes for Now and Future Change (2008) by The Collective of Researchers on Educational Disappointment and Desire
Breaking up with Deleuze (2010) by Eve Tuck
Provocative/provoking Legitimation (2014) by Eve Tuck
Collaborations between Indigenous Studies and Black Studies
Reaching to Offer, Reaching to Accept: Collaboration and Cotheorizing (2016) by Allison M Guess, Mistinguette Smith, and Eve Tuck
About Us and Not About Us: Theorizing student resistance to learning about race and racism from underepresented faculty (2010) by Eve Tuck, Karanja Keita Carroll, and Michael D Smith
Locating the Hope in Bone-Deep Participation (2013) by Eve Tuck
Making School More Meaningful: Perspectives on the Purposes of Schooling from An Alaska Native Context (2013) by Eve Tuck and Beverly Tuck
Theories of decolonization
Decolonization is Not a Metaphor (2012) by Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang
Linda Tuhiwai Smith’s Decolonizing Methodologies 15 Years Later (2014) by Eve Tuck
Indigenous feminisms
Curriculum studies
Curriculum, Replacement, and Settler Futurity (2013) by Eve Tuck and Ruben Gaztambide-Fernández
Rematriating Curriculum Studies (2011) by Eve Tuck
School Pushout
Humiliating Ironies and Dangerous Dignities: a dialectic of school pushout (2011) by Eve Tuck
Repatriating the GED (2012) by Eve Tuck
Land education
The significance of place in research
Relational Validity and the 'Where' of Inquiry (2015) by Eve Tuck and Marcia McKenzie
Alternatives to The edTPA
Racist Ordering, Settler Colonialism, and edTPA (2016) by Eve Tuck and Julie Gorlewski